De set voor
plastische chirurgie bestaat uit een doordacht en compleet gamma kwalitatieve instrumenten geschikt voor diverse ingrepen.
04 317-51: Stevens dissecting scissors / Tenotomy curved 12,5 cm with blunt tips, Top dur-Ipercut
04 337-50: Jameson dissecting scissors curved, 15,0 cm/ 6″, Top dur-Ipercut
10-103-12: Scalpel handle No. 3 with round handle
11-440-11 SC: Iris scissors, straight, 11 cm SC (SuperCut)
12-171-17: Tungsten Carbide (TC) Mayo-Stille dissection scissors, curved, 17 cm
13-042-12: Adson dressing forceps straight (no teeth, anatomical), 12 cm
13-142-12: Adson dissecting forceps, 1×2 teeth, 12 cm
15-061-12: Halsted-Mosquito forceps, curved, 12.5 cm (no teeth)
15-063-12: Micro-Mosquito forceps curved (no teeth, anatomical), 12.5 cm
15-100-16: Ochsner-Kocher forceps, straight, 16 cm
15-102-14: Kocher forceps, strong pattern, 14 cm with teeth straight
15-161-12: Halsted-Mosquito forceps, curved, 1×2 teeth, 12 cm
15-163-10: Micro-Mosquito forceps, curved, 1×2 teeth, 10 cm
15-163-12: Micro-Mosquito forceps, curved, 1×2 teeth, 12 cm
16-060-15: Ragnell retractor double blades, 6,3×3 mm / 16×3 mm, 15 cm length
16-128-10: Desmarres vein retractor, 10 mm, 16 cm
16-139-01: Senn-Miller retractor, sharp, 22 x 7 mm, 16 cm
16-142-14: Ragnell-Davis retractor double blades, 8×4 mm / 15×5.5 mm, 14 cm length
16-152-01: Gillies skin hook, 1-prong, small, 18 cm
16-152-02: Gillies skin hook, 1-prong, large, 18 cm
16-158-02: Kleinert-Kutz hook, 5 mm, Fig. 2, 13 cm length
18-012-15: Crile-Wood Tungsten Carbide (TC) needle holder, 15 cm
18 100-13: Dimicron (diamond dust) needle holder, straight jaws, 12,5 cm/ 5″ length for 4-0/8-0 suture
805 11100: Claris non-stick bipolair forceps, straight tip 11cm. Tip = 0,25mm with EU-plug (rectangular, generator side
805 15200: Claris non-stick bipolair forceps, straight tip 15cm. Tip = 0,3mm EU plug (rectangular, generator side)
801 00262: Bipolar cable 4m with flexible 2-pin plug (universal, generator side) and EU-plug (rectangular, forceps side)